
Friday, February 28, 2014

Highlights of the Week

Sookie, our Siamese, enjoying the sunshine.

   I thought she looked glamorous.  Not the best photo with the window's bright sunlight but I still liked it.
Bella got a new munchy toy

Treated Emily to a Shamrock shake & a trip to our Fav used book store after her orthodontist appointment yesterday.

I got the mummy book for $1!

Some of my post Valentine haul from Target.  90% off is just too good to pass up,  n'est-ce pas?  The little cat & dog holding the hearts are salt & pepper shakers.  The cute mug says, I Love you a Latte. I bought a few of them for gifts.

I think I'll use the little pink canister for dog treats and I picked up some new human treats from World Market.  I'm obsessed with ginger candy and this kind is really good, gummi, lemony & not as strong. Try it!

 I thought the empty Valentine candy box looked cute on my bookshelf

Some cute Valentine cookie treats I got from a Ladies Luncheon, Thanks Edie. 
Daisy got a bath & trim.

I always order Moravian chicken pie when I dine at the Old Salem Tavern.  This day we lunched there for Alex's Bridal Shower.

It's been a cold week and nothing warms you up when your on the go like a good cup of coffee.

PS I'm ready for spring. Are you?


  1. Yay for Daisy's bath and trim. My Daisy is needing one of those as well. Great job on the photos, in the first two i thought the animals were statues! how adorable, i've always wanted a bunny :)

  2. Thank you, Abigail. Doggies sure do look cute when they are freshly washed. Daisy really hates baths even though I give her lots of treats. It's really hard to get a good photo of bunnies & kitties. Maybe I should give up and do video instead?

  3. I like that picture of Sookie! I thinking the lighting looks cool, I really like brightly lit photos lately. I haven't tried that type of ginger candy yet, but I'll have to try it! I haven't had ginger candy in a long time!

    1. Thanks, Sar-Bear, it really is all about the lighting, isn't it? I Like the way the sun shines in the parlor in the morning and the kitties just bask in it but I didn't capture her magnificent blue eyes. You can sample the ginger lemon candies tomorrow. How do you like all my buttons I added to my blog?

  4. It looks like you had a really full week! I love used book stores. Looks like you got some great stuff at target too! I was obsessed with the huge red heart pillows they sell around Valentine's day!

    Also, thank you for the super sweet comments on my blog. It means a lot!
    Much love,

    1. Your welcome, Jess! I think your blog is terrific and an inspiration. I know just what heart pillow you mean! It's cute. Bargain hunting is always fun! It has been a very full week with all the stuff that was postponed due to the snow days.


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