
Monday, January 26, 2015

Here's What I Like

Lately I've been obsessed with ice cream cones.  Aren't they the cutest?

I  know it's the middle of winter and not really ice cream cone season.  Maybe I'm dreaming about the warmth of summer and missing the hot sunshine drenched ice cream cone eating days of.  I don't know, does anybody even eat ice cream, let alone ice cream cones in January?

If I had one of these adorable things it would satisfy 2 obsessions of mine, ice cream cones and cookie jar collecting.  I haven't made much headway with my cookie jar collecting lately having not added to my collection since 2012.  I do have some real cuties though.  I've been thinking about blogging about the many things I like to collect in a series of posts.  I wonder if other folks collect things they are obsessed with?

I think it all started when I was searching the internet for a cute phone case for my new Galaxy S5 {which I LOVE so much, btw}.  I couldn't decide on the pretty pink or the mint green.  
Which color should I get?

Or is this one even more adorable?
I ended up getting a pretty light lavender colored phone case that was half off when I ordered my 2015 planner from Kikki - K.  I'll post about my planner obsession soon.

For more images of ice cream cones visit my collection of Ice Cream Cone images on 
my Pinterest board - I Scream for Ice Cream.  Some day I'm going to find a posh shop that will serve green tea or Earl Grey or Lavender Rose flavored Ice cream.

Speaking of Earl Grey... isn't this the cutest tea tin?  
It just makes me happy!  
 I saw this image on my Instagram.  I'm a sucker for fancy tea in pretty tins.  Even once all the lovely fragrant tea is used up you still have a pretty tin left that you might use to store your collection of movie ticket stubs, buttons or whatnot.  And I do like Earl Grey tea, it's one my favorites.  I like Jasmine tea, too, but my all time favorite tea was called Summer Tea.  It was a British brand, I think, a black tea that had rosebuds and flower petals in it, some orange and lemon peel.  It had a wonderful aroma and tasted like sunshine in a garden.  

How cute is this?

Isn't this tiny baby Bonsai adorable?  

Looking at this makes me feel happy!
When I look at this I feel full of hope and an excitement for the future.  A future where I might, perhaps, be able to grow a Bonsai and keep it alive for many years.

What makes you happy?

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Happy New Year !

So it's a new year already.
All the crazy busy-ness of the holiday season is over with and I've just about finished taking down all my Christmas decorations so I can get back to doing some blogging.
As one year ends and another one is just beginning, I can't help but look towards the future and think about what I'd like to do and accomplish in 2015.

This is my kind of list. 
Just doing some tiny small things that help you

Enjoy Life


Live in the moment.

In that spirit for 2015 I'm going to try to remember to
wear perfume every day, 
pretty bracelets, 
glittery nail polish 
and lipstick!  

I have a nice collection of perfume that I always seem to want to save instead of use. 

Dune by Christian Dior is my all time Favorite.  It smells like the beach, sandalwood and vanilla.  I love the light fragrance of Chanel No. 5  as well.  A few years ago I tried on Gucci Play at Sephora and really liked it.

When I was a teen I discovered Hope by Frances Denney and that was my signature scent until I met my husband and he bought me Eternity by Calvin Klein when we first started dating.  I still have my original bottle!

My grandmother kept her collection of Arpege by Lanvin on her bureau.  I always found the scented bottles enchanting when I was small and would snoop in her room while we were visiting to peek at them and the other mysterious stuff she kept in there like her Infant Jesus of Prague statue  that I wanted to play with.

Do you have a signature scent?

Oh and one more thing I must do more of this year is listen to music All the Time.  I love to listen to dance music when I'm doing my cardio or driving in the car.  I like to hear jazz playing when I'm cooking, salsa is good, too.  When I'm relaxing or crafting classical music is nice and when I'm cleaning I like to to belt out some power ballads.  

Here's new MY FAVORITE song ~ I LOVE it!!

When I heard it on the radio for the first time I thought it was an old song cuz it reminded me of The Time, a band that would perform with Prince back in the 1980's.

Hope your 2015 is your best year ever!